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Front End Development React + MaterialUI + Typescript

Website and Apps

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    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    R$ 30 - R$ 50 per hour
  • Posted by


Job description

Development of React components for online systems. The ideal candidate will have proven experience in developing user interfaces using React.js, TypeScript and Material UI. Develop and maintain efficient and scalable user interfaces using React.js, TypeScript and Material UI.

- Solid experience in frontend development with React.js.
- Proficiency in TypeScript.
- Knowledge of HTML and CSS
- Experience with version control tools, such as Git.
- Ability to write clean, well-documented and testable code.

- Familiarity with Material UI and its best practices.
- Experience with other frontend libraries and frameworks.
- Experience with build and bundling tools such as Webpack.

Interested freelancers

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    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
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