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Creation of an application in Bubble for a social project to monitor homeless people being served

Software and systems

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    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    In consultation
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Job description


This project is to create a system in Bubble to manage people who are served in a social project for homeless people that we have in our Churches. The system is very simple and basically consists of the following functions:

- Simple registration of types of items that can be donated (basic food basket, cleaning products, hygiene kits, pants, shorts, t-shirts, etc.)

- Registration of people who are served (personal information, photo, etc.)

- Registration of what each person is bringing (e.g.: they are being served today and are taking a basic food basket) so that it is in the person's history

- Registration of people who are part of the service team

- Registration of attendance of people on the service team

- Graphs/Reports (e.g.: how many people were served in the month, how many people were registered in the month, etc.)

When the person on the service team logs in, it must be identified which church they are part of and everything they do must be linked to that church.

There will be an administrator login, which will be able to see any of the churches. This administrator should also be able to see a basic consolidated report of all the churches, such as:
- How many homeless people were served in all the churches together
- How many people were registered in all the churches together
- Etc.

Interested freelancers

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    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}
      {{ item.stateName }}, {{ item.countryName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
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