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Automate a Gmail button to automatically update the email

C++ Programming, Java, JavaScript and NodeJs, HTML, HTML CSS Javascript

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    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    R$100 - R$500
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Job description

I use a company email with a domain (@************.br) configured within my private g-mail, I send and receive emails that way without a problem, but what happens is I don't always receive the email quickly, sometimes receiving it takes 30 minutes to arrive and I've already missed meetings because I didn't receive the email, which sits there waiting for me to manually update it as if it were "Send and Receive" in Outlook.
The F5 and page refresh button in the browser does not pull up the email, in these cases when I have an urgent need to check the email I have to go into the settings - show all settings - accounts and import and there will be a button called "check email now" and click on it to force receipt and it works. However, having to do this several times a day is annoying and tiring, I would like to automate this process by running the check every 5 minutes and also a shortcut to leave in the favorites bar that when you click on it, it updates.
This button I mentioned for "check email now" despite it being a button, I can't extract a link from it to create a shortcut, because I saw that it's something related to Java and I don't understand much about it.

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    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}, {{ item.stateName }}
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