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Digital Content - Chef

Create content, Gastronomy, Culinary, chef

  • Project status

  • Interested

  • Posted at

  • Location

    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    R$ 500 - R$ 2,000
  • Posted by


Job description

We need a professional who is proficient in the kitchen, be it a chef or someone with experience in developing culinary content.

The idea is to record the process of making a good pizza at home! With our help, the freelancer will record step-by-step instructions, similar to the recorded recipes we see on Facebook and Instagram. The freelancer will record videos on various topics, such as: preparing the dough, sauces, fillings, baking, among others.

Don't worry, we'll help you with every step of what you need to record!

Send a message and let's talk more!

Interested freelancers

    {{ item.displayName }} {{ item.displayName }}

    {{ item.displayDisciplines }}

    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}
      {{ item.stateName }}, {{ item.countryName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
    Open chat

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