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Baby Sleep Calculator

Health and Welfare

  • Project status

  • Interested

  • Posted at

  • Location

    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    R$ 100 - R$ 500
  • Posted by

    Júlio César

Job description

I need someone to create a sleep calculator, the calculator is a tool that already exists in an Excel spreadsheet, but I need to embed it in the members area of my course, as it is part of the baby sleep process, as some simple calculations are made to understand the best way to guide babies' sleep.

Interested freelancers

    {{ item.displayName }} {{ item.displayName }}

    {{ item.displayDisciplines }}

    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}
      {{ item.stateName }}, {{ item.countryName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
    Open chat Refused

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