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Landing Page Design for Real Estate

AB Test, Digital marketing, Front End Developer, Web design, HTML CSS Javascript, IF THE, UI Design

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  • Interested

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    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    R$ 500 - R$ 2,000
  • Posted by


Job description

I'm looking for a professional to create a landing page dedicated to a real estate agency. Currently, there is already a main real estate website, but I need a specific page that redirects leads generated through paid traffic directly to me, with my contacts. The existing page has contacts that lead to someone else, and this needs to be avoided on the new landing page. I need the landing page to generate credibility and so we would include the real estate agency's address and some accessory videos of clients or other properties.

Landing Page Objectives:

Exclusive Contact: Ensure all leads are directed exclusively to me.
Professional Design: The landing page must be visually attractive and professional, following the best design and digital marketing practices: Concise Information, Calls to Action (CTAs), Focus on Pain/Need, Value Proposition, Urgency Generation, Color Psychology , A/B Testing, Directional Clues, Credibility.

Design: Based on the real estate agency’s main website, including logo. Follow the website: ************

I await proposals and portfolios from qualified professionals for this project.

Interested freelancers

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