

Sector Other
Field of work 3D Modeler Texturer
Location Searr, Espírito Santo, BR
Rate R$ 40 per hour
Profile views 157
lock One Brian law s Design - Blender 2.8 Eevee, Gears With Drive System

Video: lock One Brian law s Design - Blender 2.8 Eevee, Gears With Drive System

Modeling and dimensioning entirely done in SolidWorks 2015, following the drawing designed by creator Briaw Laws. Textures and materials made and applied in Blender 2.8, in the Eevee preview, system drivers were used in the gear movements, working with the proportions of the gear teeth. Note: Gears and axles do not have keyways, as the project is produced in wood, but there is no final definition as steel for aesthetics.

Spider Poison

Image: Spider Poison

3D representation work of the Poison Concept, original conncept by: Su @wrongsideart Thanks for the stunning illustration!! Materials and Sculpt: Blender 2.90.1 - Cycles, 1080x1920 - 2000 samples

EGA Logo for Wood Carving CNC Router Printer

Image: EGA Logo for Wood Carving CNC Router Printer

Its purpose was for a marine customer, who would manufacture a piece of the EGA insignia - Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on the Cnc Router, that is, through a machining (milling) process in wood. Vcarve software that generates the level map and gcode programming, as well as user-defined tool settings. Thank you Jeremy!

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