

Field of work Programação
Location Fortaleza, Ceará, BR
Rate R$ 80 per hour
Profile views 383


Tecnologia Unity (Programador)

The Guardian Dog Studio – Fortaleza, CE

I worked part-time at The Guardian Gog Studio in a role that required skills in Unity, game development, and C#. During this period, I was one of the programmers responsible for bringing a 2D Metroidvania game project to life. My responsibilities included implementing gameplay mechanics such as unlockable character abilities, mobility mechanics corresponding to the map's progression, combat mechanics with enemies, and interaction with the environment, all in accordance with the game design guidelines outlined in the GDD (Game Design Document). In addition to my work at the company, I also participated in the Global Game Jam, where I developed a simple 3D game in less than a week with the assistance of a friend in 3D modeling. The game is available on the Game Jam website (

Estágio de Desenvolvimento Web

Secretária de Educação de Aracoiaba

Estagiei desenvolvendo um site para auxiliar no recolhimento de dados de frequência dos motoristas de escolas de Aracoiaba.


Technical Certificate in Computer Science



Técnico em Informática

EEEP Dr. Salomão Alves de Moura

Apto a desenvolver sistemas através de análise e programação, além de montar, instalar e configurar todos os componentes de software, hardware e redes de pequeno e médio porte.

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