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delphi mobile app

Software and systems

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    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    R$ 500 - R$ 2,000
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Job description

To develop the requested system, you can structure the project in two parts: the server, using Horse, and the mobile app, with the three main screens (customer search, product and stock query, and order creation). I will detail the approach for each part:

Backend (Horse Server)
Horse Server Configuration:

Create a basic server in Delphi using Horse.
Add a route to handle customers, products, stock, and orders.
Use the "datasetserialise" libraries to serialize datasets in json and "restrequest4delphi" to perform http requests.
Use Boss to facilitate the management of dependencies and libraries.
Connection to MySQL:

Configure the connection to the company's existing MySQL database.
The host field should be configurable, allowing the app to find the local server on the client.
Suggested endpoints:

/clientes: To search for and list customers (using the partner table).
/Products: To query products and stock (products and prodestq tables).
/Orders: To create and manage orders and quotes (pedprodnf, pedprodnfs, pedprodnfobs tables).
User Validation:

Create a middleware to validate users through the users table when starting the application.
Frontend (Mobile App)
Customer Search Screen:

A simple screen to search for customers with basic filters (name, CPF/CNPJ).
Use the /clientes endpoint to retrieve data from the database.
Product and Stock Query Screen:

Display products with the amount of stock available.
Use the /products endpoint to search for the list and stock.
Sales Order/Quote Screen:

Allow customer and product selection.
Create an order or quote, sending the data to the server via the /orders endpoint.
Host Configuration:

Include a configuration screen in the app so that the user can configure the server host.
Tools Used:

Boss: To manage the libraries, add datasetserialise and restrequest4delphi.
Datasetserialise: To manipulate datasets and convert them to JSON.
Restrequest4delphi: To facilitate HTTP calls between the app and the server.

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    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}
      {{ item.stateName }}, {{ item.countryName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
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